
4 July 2024

The 5G PERFECTA research project wins the CELTIC Excellence award.

A few years ago, TCN participated in the 5G PERFECTA research project that recently received the CELTIC Excellence award in the category services and applications 2024.

The award was presented at this year CELTIC 21 Anniversary Celebration at the Berlin 6G Conference taking place on 2nd of July in Berlin at BCC, co-located with Berlin 6G Conference 2024.

29 April 2024

The AIDA research project has ended.

The AIDA project was headed by Karlstad University (KAU) and was organized in the form of three different sub projects which were partIally independent but jointly answered the overall synergy research question - "How to enable trustworthy Data Driven Real-Time Industrial IoT applications?”.

The first sub project involved Ericsson, Uddeholm and TCN and took advantage of TCN's simulation software to propose methods for configuring Time-Sensitive Networks (TSN) so that they can provide the required timeliness guarantees. For more information, the interested reader is referred to this publicly available research article: AIDA—A holistic AI-driven networking and processing frameworkfor industrial IoT applications.

28 January 2024

TCN TimeAnalysis™ 3.5 has been released.

29 October 2023

TCN TimeAnalysis™ 3.4 has been released.

6 June 2023

TCN TimeAnalysis™ 3.3 has been released.

26 March 2023

TCN TimeAnalysis™ 3.2 has been released.

19 December 2022

TCN TimeAnalysis™ 3.1 has been released.

3 November 2022

IMMINENCE Mid-Term Review

Recently the mid-term review of the IMMINENCE research project was held at Nokia's site in Madrid, Spain.

Despite a slow start due to COVID restrictions, the overall impression is that the consortium has been able to deliver very good results so far.

The main focus of IMMINENCE is to develop intelligent network management and control functions techniques, for example:

• New mechanisms for future mobile networks: Application Aware Networks, Self-configuration Networks,

• Intelligent network management: Adaptive Management, Autonomous Management,

For TCN, the IMMINENCE research project mainly offers opportunities to evolve its software tool TCN TimeAnalysis for network digital twin modeling and simulation towards 5G support in close collaboration with other parties.

17 July 2022

TCN TimeAnalysis™ 3.0 has been released.

24 March 2022

We are happy to announce that TCN has been accepted into the Tom Sawyer Software Partner Program.

13 March 2022

TCN TimeAnalysis™ 2.3 has been released.

15 January 2022

TCN TimeAnalysis™ 2.2 has been released.

24 November 2021

TCN TimeAnalysis™ 2.1 has been released.

2 October 2021

TCN TimeAnalysis™ 2.0 has been released.

27 August 2021

Before summer, the 5G PERFECTA research project was finalized and received very high grades from the review board. A two page leaflet describing the project achievements and results can be found here.

The activities in 5G PERFECTA will continue in a new project, IMMINENCE, that just have been approved for funding by the Swedish agency VINNOVA. In IMMINENCE, the Swedish consortium will be extended with the operator Telia as well as Volvo Construction Equipment (VCE).

8 August 2021

TCN TimeAnalysis™ 1.7 has been released.

27 June 2021

TCN TimeAnalysis™ 1.6 has been released.

22 May 2021

TCN TimeAnalysis™ 1.5 has been released.

26 March 2021

TCN TimeAnalysis™ 1.4 has been released.

9 March 2021

TCN TimeAnalysis™ 1.3 has been released.

14 December 2020

TCN TimeAnalysis™ 1.2 has been released.

3 November 2020

Time Critical Networks AB (TCN) is one of the partners in the newly launched AIDA research project funded by the Knowledge Foundation (KK-stiftelsen):

AIDA aims to enable novel trustworthy data-driven real-time industrial IoT applications by building a holistic AI-driven Networking and Processing framework.

Especially, TCN is involved in activities regarding Software Defined Networking (SDN) based Control Plane for TSNs, Robust Configuration for SDN based TSNs and Consistent Network Updates in SDN based TSNs.

For more information please visit the AIDA project website and AIDA at KAU.

8 September 2020

TCN TimeAnalysis™ 1.1 has been released.

30 January 2020

TCN TimeAnalysis™ 1.0 has been released.

After years of development, we have finally reached a stable version.

12 December 2018

Today the kick-off meeting of the Celtic-Next research project 5G PERFECTA was held. Time Critical Networks (TCN) is one member in the Swedish consortium of this project,
which also involves for example Ericsson, RISE and Lund University. On the European level, the project involves partners from Spain, Poland, Portugal and Turkey and has a total budget of 5868 K€.

The aim of 5G PERFECTA is to develop automated processes, tools and mechanisms ensuring 5G service quality, based on data processing and analytics approaches.

5 December 2018

The RETINA project is drawing to an end, and the SME partners invites you to a demonstrator at the ShowLab at Lindholmen, showing you the workflow we outlined in our Solution Description.

4 September 2018

Second Automotive Ethernet training seminar is held in Gothenburg. This time we're joined by Rohde & Schwarz who will give even better insight on L1 testing, and Spirent will cover L2 and above.

17 May 2018

The Automotive Training Seminar was held with good reception. We already have had requests and questions for future events with the same or similar topics, and as such we recommend you to visit the event page to register interest for future happenings.

16 May 2018

TCN, Spirent and Technica Engineering are hosting an Automotive Ethernet training seminar in Gothenburg. Visit the link for all the details and registration.

30-31 January 2018

Come visit TCN at the Automotive Ethernet Congress in Munich, Germany. We will have a booth for discussions and demos. If you're not attending the conference but still want to visit the exhibit, please contact us and we can help you with visitor access for free.

20 December 2017

MobilityXlab, with partners Autoliv, CEVT, Ericsson, Volvo Car Group, Volvo Group, Zenuity and Lindholmen Science Park, has after a thorough selection process chosen Time Critical Networks to be the first start-up to enter the lab at the Lindholmen, Gothenburg. Read the full announcement.

6 November 2017

TCN is back from the IEEE-SA Ethernet & IP Automotive Tech Days in San Jose and would like to thank everyone that visited our first booth ever!

1-2 November 2017

Experience TCN in San José (newsletter), at 2017 IEEE Ethernet & IP @ Automotive Technology Day where we present our latest software.

6 September 2017

With TCN's newest software TCN TimeAnalysis™ the user can (re-)design its in-vehicle network to meet the demanding requirements from Autonomous Driving. The requirements are essential to meet when combining critical video traffic (e.g. cameras) together with control data loops (e.g. ABS sensors).

9-10 May 2017

TCN is visiting Vehicle Electronics & Connected Services at the Swedish fair in Gothenburg, and will be presenting during the Startups on Stage session in Track 1 of Tuesday's program.

5 May 2017

Want to know more about working at TCN? As a part of GBG Tech Week 2017 we will participate in a Startup Job Fair at Veras Gräsmatta hosted by Chalmers Ventures.

10-11 April 2017

Project conference in Pisa for the RETINA project, coordinating work and technical challenges as well as kicking off our advisory board!

28 February 2017

Just returned from a succesful visit to Silicon Valley and the REACH program. Visit our twitter account for a brief overview of our activities in the Bay Area.

6-22 February 2017

TCN returns to Silicon Valley and Nordic Innovation House in Palo Alto, for next session in the REACH incubator.

1 December 2016

With its international ambitions and potential, Time Critical Networks has been selected by Nordic Innovation House in Palo Alto, CA to join the accelator program REACH. This on-the-job training program runs over six calendar months with two 14-days acceleration visits to Silicon Valley, structured around top mentor sessions, potential customer, partner or investor meetings, workshops and business events.

3-14 October 2016

Meet TCN in Silicon Valley, based out of the Nordic Innovation House in Palo Alto, CA.

20-21 September 2016

Meet TCN at 2016 IEEE Ethernet & Ip Automotive Technology Day in Paris.

15 April 2016

In a tough European challenge Time Critical Networks (TCN) has been awarded a Eurostars project.

The RETINA project will develop a software tool set that provides time-critical, predictable and reliable communication for automotive applications in heterogeneous systems and networks, including wireless networks. The tool set will allow the user to design, develop and evaluate time-critical applications such as advanced safety systems and autonomous vehicles. This will put high requirements on both in-vehicle infrastructure, as well as vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to infrastructure utilizing the next generation of mobile networks for ITS (Intelligent Transport Systems). Project details: 2 MEUR, 2 years and 7 partners. TCN coordinator plus organizations from Sweden, Italy, France and the Netherlands.

About Eurostars: Eurostars supports international innovative projects led by R&D-performing SMEs. With its bottom-up approach, Eurostars supports the development of rapidly marketable innovative products, processes and services that help improve the daily lives of people around the world. Eurostars is a joint programme between EUREKA and the European Commission.

3 February 2016

Meet TCN in Munich, Germany, at Automotive Ethernet Congress.

26 October 2015

Meet TCN in Yokohama, at IEEE Ethernet & IP @ Automotive Technology Days or at the OPEN Alliance meeting.

23 January 2015

TCN signs an agreement for a SME Instrument - Open Disruptive Grant from Horizon 2020 by the European Commission. Link to Horizon's 2020 SME Instrument.

22 October 2014

Meet TCN in Detroit at IEEE Ethernet & IP @ Automotive Technology Day Oct 23/24 or at the OPEN Alliance meeting Oct 22.

1 October 2014

TCN Ethernet Simulator™ software product is added to TCN Ethernet Design and Analysis Suite for simulation of real-time traffic streams forwarded through switched Ethernet networks.

15 May 2014

TCN has got the assignment to build an automotive test bench, for Ethernet AVB (Audio Video Bridging). Test bench will be built of off-the-shelf components for the automotive industry and based on BroadR-Reach physical layer.

30 January 2014

TCN has become a key partner in a joint Volvo Cars/Volvo Trucks driven 2-year project called Ethernet AVB (Audio Video Bridging).

The Ethernet AVB project will adress the time-sensitive aspects on audio/video streaming of data in automotive infotainment and ADAS solutions based on Ethernet.

Parties involved: Volvo Cars, Volvo Group, ArcCore, Pelagicore and Time Critical Networks.

13 March 2013

Time Critical Networks has become a key partner in a joint Volvo Cars/Volvo Trucks driven 3-year project called Ethernet Communication in Automotive Environment.

The project Ethernet Communication in Automotive Environment will address a number of issues with Ethernet communication, such as signal integrity, EMC, network data congestion and its general influence on the design of electrical systems in a vehicle. Resolving these issues will enable the implementation of functions in the vehicle requiring broadband communication.

Parties involved: Volvo Cars, Volvo Group, ArcCore, Delphi/Mecel and Time Critical Networks.

12 December 2012

TCN in media: Read the article about 'Ethernet in Vehicles' in Automotive Sweden, follow link to English, follow link to article in Swedish,

30 October 2012

Welcome to speech "After 40 years, Ethernet at last in vehicles" @ Embedded Gothenburg Nov 21 2012.

3 September 2012

Continental Automotive call it the Ethernet week. Do schedule a meeting with TCN in Munich or Regensburg, September 17 to 21. Mon/Tue are OPEN meetings in Munich, Wed/Thu are the Ethernet & IP @ Automotive Technology Days.

Link to Ethernet & IP @ Automotive Technology Days

18 July 2012

Time Critical Networks will partipate in the "Challenges in methodology, representation, and tooling for automotive embedded systems", an International FP7 & ITEA2 Workshop (TIMMO-2-USE, MAENAD, SAFE and AMALTHEA) @ Hotel Angleterre (Sept 24/25) in Berlin.

Link to program

11 May 2012

Do not miss the interesting article about Ethernet in Automotive. Article link: Ethernet finds its place in automotive, PDF: Public Google Drive link. Approved by Automotive Design to share this information.

26 April 2012

Time Critical Netorks is running a round-table discussion about Automotive Ethernet at the conference In-vehicle Electronics (Elektronik i Fordon in Swedish) in Gothenburg, Sweden.

21 April 2012

Technical Papers from SAE 2012 World Congress now available! Link to technical paper: 'Guaranteeing Hard Real-Time Requirements of In-Vehicle Multihop Communication Over Ethernet'.

2 April 2012

Time Critical Networks (TCN) signed agreement with OPEN Alliance, which is a jointly developed special interest group (SIG) that encourages wide scale adoption of Ethernet-based, single-pair unshielded networks as the standard in automotive applications. TCN will focus in contributing to the Technical Committee 4 - Ethernet Tools. For more information visit

1 March 2012

Meet Time Critical Networks at SAE World Congress in Detroit April 24-26, 2012. Do listen to the presentation of the technical paper "In-Vehicle Multihop Communication Over Ethernet Network" April 24 @ 1:20 PM.

Link to event: SAE World Congress

Link to technical paper: 'Guaranteeing Hard Real-Time Requirements of In-Vehicle Multihop Communication Over Ethernet'

14 February 2012

Time Critical Networks (TCN) signed a partner agreement with ArcCore, leading provider of open source AUTOSAR embedded software Arctic Core and Arctic Studio. TCN and ArcCore both share the objective that the Clients (End-customers) shall be able to design, analyze, optimize and test cost-effective among other things - in-vehicle communication solutions and systems, with particular focus on calculating end-to-end latency, real-time constrains and ECU task scheduling.

31 January 2012

Meet Time Critical Networks at ERTS 2012 in Toulouse and Embedded World in Nuremberg.

13 July 2011

CPAC Systems, together with Time Critical Networks, finish today a joint Thesis Project, aiming to check the feasability of replacing CAN with standard Ethernet.

The purpose of the thesis project was to investigate the possibility of replacing the CAN bus with Ethernet according to the following requirements:

  • Standard off-the-shelf components and software stacks
  • No modification of the network node application software, i.e. messages formatted according to CAN protocols must be transferred by means of Ethernet.

A unique approach to this issue is offered as a result of the work done by Time Critical Networks. Their tool makes it possible to calculate the maximum forwarding time of a frame in an Ethernet network. This tool may make it possible to validate the use of Ethernet for time-critical applications.

CPAC Systems, a company in the Volvo group which develops and manufactures steer-by-wire systems based on the CAN technology, wishes to verify whether Ethernet could now be considered as a solution to complement or replace CAN, thus overcoming limitations of CAN. This verification was the goal of this master thesis project.

Please do contact us for further information about the master thesis project, such as the report.

10 May 2011

Time Critical Networks, sign an agreement with a pan-European automotive consortia of in total 17 companies and organisations. The TIMMO-2-USE project objective is on time-critical in-vehicle communication systems, such as brake-by-wire, steer-by-wire, etc. The TIMMO-2-USE project aims at increasing the efficiency and accuracy in handling timing-related issues in the complex development of automotive real-time embedded systems. The objective is to master different types of timing constraints and dynamic behavior throughout the different steps of the EAST-ADL/AUTOSAR-based development process and tool chain.

TIMMO-2-USE is an ITEA2 project (ITEA 2 project 09033) with 17 partners from France, Germany, Sweden, and United Kingdom. The project started in October 2010 and has a duration of 2 years.

More information is found at:

18 January 2011

Time Critical Networks has been selected as a presenter and a publisher of SAE 2011 World Congress & Exhibition Technical Papers. The presentation is scheduled to be held April 14, 2011, in Cobo Center, Detroit, Michigan, USA, under session AE305, "In-Vehicle Networks".

Link to event: SAE World Congress

Link to technical paper: 'Guaranteeing Hard Real-Time Requirements of In-Vehicle Multihop Communication Over COTS Ethernet Hardware'

9 December 2010

Time Critical Networks has been selected as a finalist in the ICT Category, for the 2011 Academic Enterprise Awards. TCN has been selected by groups from Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH Zurich) and the University of Cambridge among leading entrepreneurs and spin-out companies chosen to go through to the finals on 3 February in Zurich of the only pan-European awards for university researchers who start businesses.

TCN joins 17 other finalists from a broad range of European universities to compete for top prizes in the ACES Academic Enterprise Awards, the only pan-European programme to recognize entrepreneurship at academic institutions. TCN is competing for the ICT prize for top information and communications technology entrepreneurs at academic institutions, one amongst three finalists.

More information about the 2011 Academic Enterprise Awards:

5 October 2010

Time Critical Networks has appointed the Research & Development (R&D) Director of CPAC Systems (a company developing and manufacturing X-by-wire, safety critical systems for marine and automotive applications), Marco Monzani, as its second independent board member.

"If it's about connectivity, then Time Critical Networks is one of the most interesting initiatives in the region. Think of how Ethernet technology jumped over its traditional boundaries, it is immediate to realize the value of the job Time Critical Network is doing." said Marco Monzani, R&D Director of CPAC Systems.

Marco brings with him about 20 years of experience of product development within automotive, marine and medical segments.

"We are delighted to have Marco join our Board. He is a tremendous addition to our company given his insights and experience," said Lars Bröhne, CEO of Time Critical Networks. "Our leadership team look forward to working with Marco as we shape our technology and execute our strategies for enabling customers to use standard Ethernet in time critical applications."

Marco is the second independent member on the six-strong board after Time Critical Networks appointed Patric Nordström, CEO of Idevio (, to its board earlier this year.

1 September 2010

Lars Bröhne has been appointed as the new Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Time Critical Networks, with effect from 1 September 2010. Based at headquarters in Gothenburg, he replaces Babak Esfahani, who has been appointed CEO of Plejd AB.

"I am delighted to take up this new role and look forward to developing the business for this technology breakthrough in standard Ethernet. I am also very grateful for the fantastic work of Babak and that he decided to continue with us in the Scientific Advisory Board."

Lars brings with him over 20 years' experience in Computer Software Engineering from companies such as Ericsson Hewlett-Packard Telecommunications and Intec. Lars's most recent appointment was Software Director of Nobel Biocare, developing a market leading dental CAD software.

30 March 2010

In tough competition Time Critical Networks is granted Vinnovas popular R&D grant 'Forska&Väx 2010' ('Research& Grow 2010') award.

22 December 2009

Time Critical Networks initiates pilot project with Westermo Data Communications a leading actor in the field of Industrial Ethernet.

15 May 2009

Time Critical Networks attracts Venture Capital.

20 April 2009

Time Critical Networks is nominated top ten startup in Venture Cup region finals.

10 April 2009

Time Critical Networks is filing an international application / Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) application.

7 April 2009

Time Critical Networks is accepted in the main incubator at Chalmers Innovation

30 October 2008

Time Critical Networks is awarded 'VINN NU' ('Win Now') as one of ten most promising early research based Swedish startup by Vinnova.

27 June 2008

Time Critical Networks joins other innovative startups in Chalmers Innovations pre-incubator.

10 April 2007

Filing of Provisional Patent Application.